Chip in $100 to support Christian Bishop for Nevada State Senate

Chip in $100 to support Christian

Christian Bishop


For too long Nevadans have had to endure a rising cost of living without much deserved relief. As a self made businessman who ascended from the depths of poverty, Christian understands what it's like to struggle to put food on the table. It doesn’t have to be like this and politicians should stop pointing the finger at the other side without looking inward; Nevadans suffer while politicians play games.

Nevada needs sensible tax policy to help fund many of the investments regular Nevadans deserve. With that said, we are not able to print money forever; today America is wrestling with an inflation problem, compounded by overspending and global conflict. We can build a better future together by partnering with businesses looking to invest in a land of limitless potential, Nevada. There is no one better equipped to find those businesses than Christian, he has done it his entire life.

Christian is committed to ensuring the citizens of Nevada are able to find adequate housing as the State continues to work towards growth and development. Christian’s vision for Nevada is one where the federal and local governments strive towards a larger housing market providing Nevadans freedom of choice in finding a place to anchor their lives.

Christian believes that access to affordable housing for the hardworking families of Nevada is incredibly important. Christian stands behind the idea that home ownership is a core part of the American dream and that no hardworking Nevada family should find themselves struggling to achieve it.

Christian Bishop

2505 Anthem Village

E574, Henderson NV 89052



Christian Bishop

2505 Anthem Village

E574, Henderson NV 89052