Chip in $100 to support Christian Bishop for Nevada State Senate

Chip in $100 to support Christian

Christian Bishop


The devastating effects of climate change are not sparing Nevada. Nevadans are staring down a future of scarce water supplies and eroding lakes. Difficult issues call for unconventional solutions and a willingness to engage in science.

As a baseline, the current path is unsustainable. We need to address our future resource security head on, and prepare our infrastructure to combat the devastating ecological impact of the earth’s heating. Through common sense policy like water conservation, investment in technologies which reduce water expenditure in agriculture, and green alternatives Nevada can guarantee a sustainable future. More importantly, this investment can also create massive job opportunities for local Nevadans who are uniquely qualified and understand the very real necessity to adapt.

Christian is incredibly concerned with the effects of the climate crisis and its impact on the citizens of Nevada. Water security is a top priority for Christian and he will work towards ensuring a sustainable future through a push for policies at the state level that inspire cooperation between states to ensure water is being used efficiently and sustainably.

Christian seeks to promote policies that will make conservation of Nevada’s natural resources, such as the Great Basin. Christian also recognizes that as lake mead reaches the “dead-pool” Nevadans are uniquely at risk of energy insecurity. In an effort to combat this Chrisitian is committed to ensuring that Nevada implements policies to combat the dead-pool and to promote the use of Nevada’s advantageous position to use green energy alternatives such as Wind, solar, and geothermal power.

Christian Bishop

2505 Anthem Village

E574, Henderson NV 89052



Christian Bishop

2505 Anthem Village

E574, Henderson NV 89052